The Benefits of Membership

Becoming a member of the STA is not only a rewarding experience by helping to maintain Saskatchewan’s trails, but it also gives you benefits not offered to non-members, including funding opportunities, trail promotion and advocacy,  voting privileges, and several other resources such as trail maps, land negotiation agreements, etc. Here’s a look at the benefits:

TRAIL FUNDING – All STA members are eligible to receive funding for trail-related projects through our trail building programs, including the Partnership Initiative Program, which allocates third-party funding to dedicated trail projects; The Charitable Status Program, which allows donations through the STA to a specific project; and Members Trail Grant Program, which provides grants of up to $1000 per year for trail maintenance and development.

TRAIL PROMOTION AND ADVOCACY – The STA will share any news and upcoming events that you may want to feature on its website and through social media. This news can also be shared through the STA newsletter, Tales from the Trails, and we also work closely with the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association (S.P.R.A.), which publishes  Recreation Works.

SASKATCHEWAN TRAILS DAY – The STA is the lead organization that uses this occasion to raise public awareness about the value of recreational trails and to encourage communities to celebrate seasonal trail use.

RESOURCES – STA is responsible for developing several resources for the trail community, including trail maps and guidelines and information on trail etiquette, bridge design, and land negotiation agreements.

INSURANCE – The STA receives insurance from the OASIS Outdoor Adventure & Sport Insurance Solutions Inc. Established in 2007, OASIS provides programs for local, provincial, and national associations and their members with a particular focus on not-for-profit. STA members can save hundreds of dollars on a policy by indicating they are members when they book their insurance. Members can contact Shelley Wandler by phone (1-866-979-2747) or email ( for more information.

  • OASIS offers the following services:
  • Commercial and General Liability Renewal;
  • Certificate of Insurance Request;
  • Special Events Liability Insurance;
  • Application for Groomers and Related Equipment;
  • Application for Equipment;
  • Liability Insurance Application for ATV/Quad Group;
  • General Liability Insurance Application for Bike Safety Instructors (For Safety Training Purposes Only); and
  • General Liability Insurance Application for Bike Safety Instructors (Non-Motorized) (For Safety Training Purposes Only)


Membership Levels:

All membership levels are entitled to membership privileges, including the right to attend and vote at members’ meetings. Saskatchewan Trails Membership can be purchased or renewed on our website (


  • An individual who is at least 18 years of age


  • Incorporated or unincorporated associations of individuals in a particular geographic area in Saskatchewan
  • Trails groups-members who build and/or maintain recreational trails in Saskatchewan.
  • User group-members of which use recreational trails in Saskatchewan.


  • Any provincial association

LIFE MEMBERS ($550.00)

  • Any person whom the Board of Directors deems appropriate.
    • Lifetime of the recipient.


  • Persons of the following can be admitted to associate member status:
  • Government of Canada
  • Province of Saskatchewan
  • Municipal corporation
  • A First Nation organization
  • A regional economic development authority (REDA)
  • Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM)
  • Community recreational associations
  • Any corporation

An associate member is entitled to all membership privileges, including the right to nominate an individual to attend meetings of the members on its behalf, but excluding the right to vote at such meetings.

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