Potential Funding Sources

A key aspect of the STA’s mission is to assist local trail groups in developing, maintaining, and marketing their trails. Since funding is essential in any project, various potential funding sources, including grants, are summarized below for those needing additional resources.


Saskatchewan Trails Association Funding Programs

MEMBERS GRANT PROGRAM – Funding grants of up to $1,000 are available through an application process (annual deadline: Jan. 31). The purpose of this program is to assist members in maintaining or enhancing trails. Its focus is on building new trails or undergoing maintenance projects such as updating maps, fixing signs, purchasing maintenance tools, or adding GPS capabilities. The STA Member Grant Program is available to current members of the STA. Other factors in the adjudication process include the length of membership and long-term commitment to the STA. The application document can be found at: https://sasktrails.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Trail_Grant_Program-1.pdf.

PARTNERSHIP INITIATIVE PROGRAM – Third-party funding is allocated to dedicated trail projects. These funds are obtained through partners willing to spend dedicated funds on trails such as the Trans Canada Trail and the National Trails Coalition.

THE CHARITABLE STATUS PROGRAM – Fundraising assistance is available by allowing donations to be made to a project through the Saskatchewan Trails Association. This option works by giving a donation to the STA, who will ensure it is delivered to the program of your choice. Charitable receipts are available.


Trans Canada Trail Projects:

Applications for funding through the Capital Improvement Plan are accepted on an ongoing basis (no deadlines but all projects must be completed by March 31, 2022). Prior to applying, groups are required to contact Trans Canada Trail and the project must be ready for implementation, with all requirements in place (plans, permits, approvals, etc.). Detailed information can be found at https://transcanadatrail.my.salesforce.com/sfc/p/#410000006Oq9/a/2M000001EHBz/wCG26_hOkheiROA95gthhBf4niFx04El.rn_gLhJ1CE.

FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR CONSULTATION, DESIGN PLANNING OR STUDIES– TCT may provide financial support for projects such as engineering, environmental impact assessments, etc., up to 50% of the eligible expenses. The maximum contribution for these types of projects is limited to $30,000 and all studies that receive a contribution from TCT must be a precursor to a construction project.

FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR CONSTRUCTION – The TCT may fund the construction of a project up to 35% of eligible expenses. The maximum contribution amounts are limited to:

  • Trail construction (without infrastructure): $ 75,000 / km
  • Major infrastructure (bridge, retaining wall): $ 250,000 / unit
  • Minor infrastructure and amenities (parking lot, washroom, access point): $ 50,000

FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR TRAIL SECTOR INITIATIVES – TCT may provide financial support for Trail maintenance projects, or other projects that support the trail sector and local communities on the Trail, up to 100% of the eligible expenses. The maximum contribution for these types of projects is limited to $5,000, per year, per group. This limit can increase to $10,000 in the case of unique regional or structured projects, carried out with other partners.

FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR SIGNAGE AND WAYFINDING – Different funding programs are available for installation and maintenance of Wayfinders, regulatory and safety signage, trailheads, and interpretive panels. The maximum contribution from the TCT ranges from $50 – $1000 depending on the type of signage.



Other Funding Opportunities:

PARKS FOR ALL ACTION GRANT – Funded by Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association, applicants can apply for grants to a maximum of $2,000. The grant is a commitment to creating Canadian parklands and waters that support healthy nature and healthy people. Applications should clearly outline how the initiative will engage people and result in long term benefits. Initiatives may include events, programs, studies, and projects. One application will be accepted from an Active SPRA member: Cities, Towns, Rural Municipalities, First Nation Communities, Provincial Recreation Associations, Tribal Councils, Sport/Culture/Recreation Districts, Métis Region and Regional/Urban Park Authorities. Although the application for 2021 has closed, further information can be found at: http://spra.blob.core.windows.net/docs/Parks-for-All-Grant-2021.pdf.

COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM – The Community Initiatives Fund (CIF) provides a grant of up to $25,000 per local program or $50,000 per provincial program to support: Healthy growth and development of children and youth; Individual and community wellbeing; Non-profit and community leadership. Applicants must be an incorporated Saskatchewan non-profit organization whose primary purpose and activities are to benefit Saskatchewan communities; or A municipality, health region, school or school board proposing community based, community-led programs; and be in good standing with the CIF. The deadline for application is October 1, 2021. Further information on the program can be found at: http://www.cifsask.org/uploads/Community%20Grant%20Program%20Guidelines%20-%20Dec2020.pdf.

CANADA REVITALIZATION FUND – Contributions will be determined based on the minimum amount required to carry out a project and may represent up to 75% of total eligible costs. The fund aims to provide support to adapt community spaces and assets so that they may be used safely in accordance with local public-health guidelines; and build or improve community infrastructure to encourage Canadians to re-engage in and explore their communities and regions. Eligible applicants include not-for-profit organizations or charities, any municipal or regional government, or bodies providing infrastructure services to communities, and Indigenous-led not-for-profits or organizations. Further information on the program can be found at: https://www.wd-deo.gc.ca/eng/20175.asp.

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